There are many activities resuming over the next few days and weeks. Please take time time to review them here and mark your calendars!
Fall Fair at Holy Family
Preparations for the fair are on-going through-out the month. The Fair date is September 30th! More Information can be read on the Fall Fair posting.
Please drop off the items that you can donate for the following tables for our Fall Fair- WE ARE IN EMERGENCY NEED!!
- Shirley & Friends Women’s Boutique
- Yard Sale Table
- CD & Movie Table – No more books required, except for children’s books!
- Silent Auction Table
- Theme Baskets
- We are having our FUDGE TABLE, SWEETS CAFE TOO!!
Holy Family Mass Times
Starting on September 2nd we will begin our Saturday night 4:30 pm Mass again. The summer Mass schedule consisting of one Mass on Sunday was a great success, and we thank all those who continued to support your faith family. We were able to create a large, family environment on Sundays throughout the summer and got to know members of our faith church who we may not have had the chance to meet.
Central Office Hours
Starting on September 8th the ASP Central Office Hours will be from 9 am –1pm on Mondays through Fridays. We thank everyone for the support of the summer hours and the time needed to train our office staff with those special hours. We now will be open over the lunch hour for those who work and are able to visit from 12 – 1pm.
All Saints Parish Lay Presider Formation
On September 12th at 6:30 pm at St. Thomas More, Pugwash, there will be a follow-up session for those who are Lay Presiders to review and continue their formation.
Catechetical Formation Leaders
All those volunteers in our Parish who are formation leaders are invited to a pot luck at Father Gregory’s on September 15th at 6:30 pm. This includes our JAM Youth Formation, Little Rock Scriptures, Prayer Group – Life in the Spirit/Called Leaders, RCIA Leaders, Baptism Preparation, Liturgy Leadership and others who assist with the formation of faith in each church. Please plan to attend this special time of food, fellowship and fun.
JAM Youth Formation
Youth from Preschool to Grade 6 will begin JAM Youth Formation on September 24that 10:30 am. Parents are to attend a Parent information session on September 19th at 6:30 pm at Holy Family. This is for all parents: those with children new to the program and those who have been participants in other years. There will also be a special breakout for those who have youth preparing for Sacramentals.
Save the Date: 2023 Assembly of the People of God
A friendly reminder that this year’s Assembly of the People of God will be on Saturday, November 4th, 2023. This will be a day long event with Saint Mary’s Cathedral being the main gathering site and three hosting sites in different regions across the Archdiocese so that people can choose to attend the location nearest to them.